
 Middleham: Located in the rugged north of England in Yorkshire, Richard lived here under the Duke of Warwick’s aegis from nine years of age to thirteen. He likely knew Warwick’s daughters, Isabel and Anne. He would later marry Anne when he was twenty and she, a widow at sixteen. She inherited half her father’s estates, among them Middleham, where she and Richard lived from 1472 to 1483. They had one son, Edward, who later became prince of Wales. It was here as Edward IV’s most trusted general and administrator that Richard earned the respect of the people by being fair and just in his administration.

Sheriff Hutton: Richard III’s son Edward died in April 1484 and was brought to St. Helen and the Holy Cross at Sheriff Hutton. Edward’s final resting place is in dispute. The cenotaph on display at St. Helen and the Holy Cross may not be a tomb, but a monument devoid of remains.

Bosworth Field: On 22 August 1485, King Richard III faced Henry Tudor somewhere near Bosworth Field. Despite his superior numbers, Richard lost his life and his kingdom, and then posthumously, his reputation. He was in sight of Henry and hacked his way through to deal Henry the killing blow when Lord Stanley’s army betrayed Richard and killed him. Northumberland, who was supposed to defend Richard from the rear, was noticeably absent from the battle. All contemporary accounts reported Richard fought manfully in the thickest of the battle. He was 32 years old.

“. . . King Richard late mercifully reigning upon us was through grete treason . . . piteously slane and murdered to the grete hevynesse of this citie . . .”  from the entry into York City Records on 23 August 1485.

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